Local Church Celebrates 30 years of Unconditional Love…TO ALL!
For Immediate Release
This June, Walnut Creek United Methodist Church (WCUMC) will be celebrating its 30th year as a Reconciling Congregation. This means that everyone is welcome, including members of the LGBTQ+ community. No one is asked or expected to change who they are. Everyone is loved, seen, and appreciated. Since 1994, the church has been involved in advocacy and activism: participating in countless Pride events throughout the Bay Area, supporting same sex marriages, and working with other organizations in the community to provide safe spaces and events for members of the LGBTQ+ community. WCUMC plans to celebrate 30 years of inclusive love this June with special messages from their pastor, Rev. Mantu Joshi, and honors for those that have created and championed safe spaces for those in the LGBTQ+ community. All are invited to attend.
“To be a part of this reconciling church for me, means that I can walk in the doors knowing without a shadow of a doubt that I am loved completely as Christ loves me. It means that I am supported, understood and treated just like everyone else. I have as much value as the next person. I know that when I walk through these doors, that it is similar to what it will be like walking in heaven…it is full of people who love you unconditionally and they see you for what you are: a child of God. I have been a member of this church for almost 7 years now and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I am grateful to be able to participate in a church that is actively doing God’s work and practicing what we preach.” Marci B.
“We were always happy to raise our children in a welcoming and affirming congregation. Later, when our child came out to us, we already had a frame of reference for love and acceptance. We were able to say right away, “We love you and we support you 100%” with no hesitation or questions. Looking back, we were grateful to already have had the understanding, the love, and the community.” Judi T.
“Every time I think about the collective decision the people of this church made 30 years ago, I’m filled with gratitude and joy. I don’t know where I would be or what my spiritual life would look like if this church wasn’t what it is today. It’s been about a year and a half since my first visit and I keep coming back. This is a place of authentic worship for me, where everyone is truly valued, loved, and welcome! I haven’t found another church like this.” Esmeralda M.
“Walnut Creek United Methodist Church: Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors.”
Walnut Creek UMC, 1543 Sunnyvale Ave., Walnut Creek, CA 94597

At Walnut Creek United Methodist Church, you will find thinkers and questioners; doubters and believers; those with a passion for social justice; those who have deep roots in our church and those who have no history of church membership at all; seekers of a loving, inclusive God.
Contact: Rev. Mantu Joshi at [email protected] or 925-934-420